Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 17 weeks
Size of baby: 5 inches long
Total Weight Gain: I've decided to not keep track of this one anymore- I'm finding myself focusing too much about the number on the scale- :) My Dr's great- so far even though my numbers sure are growing, he says were still good.
Maternity Clothes: Sure am! My T-shirts are all getting snug as well.
Cravings: popcorn
Gender: It's a BOY! we found out at my last appointment-
Movement: a few bubbles
How's momma: I've had a Migraine since Tuesday that my meds just aren't touching. UGH. (That's why there is no 16 week post)- it's really frustrating. I'll feel as if i'm over it- and then it comes back. It's a pain because my day is completely up in the air- i don't know if i'm going to wake up with one or if i'll wake up normal. any advice?
Best Moment this week: Getting to go up to NE for the College World Series- its been a whirlwind of baseball!
What I miss: --
What I am looking forward to: Mike, Shelby, and Sloane are coming to AR this next weekend for a fast weekend. We're excited to have them!