Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The cox guys came by today to get our cable and internet done.. WOOO HOOO was I excited... then they told me the bad news... :(

It will be 45-90 days before they can put the cable in. Apparently they didn't do the job right back in January when they were supposed to and they have to lay cable from an existing source. They'll start in June 15. UGH! i'm so annoyed by that company!

we're exploring other options as far as cable and internet goes... any suggestions for the NW Arkansas area?


  1. if you get direct tv let me know before you order and you and i both get a $100 referral credit :)

  2. This may be a little late, but Luke and I have DISH Network. We have occasional signal issues, but it's about $20 cheaper a month. It's been worth it to us.
