Last night something dreadful happened.
It was inevitable.
We knew it would happen eventually.
It still stinks.
We have had our little dog Kauzie (short for Kosmo Kramer) since November. He is a quiet, adorable, sweet, almost perfect dog . He hardly ever barks, poops outside, sleeps next to ty and I. Quite frankly he is our child.
The apartments that we are living in doesnn't allow pets (oops) and because the apartment was switching management we figured we'd be ok having our little dog live with us. The apartment was built in the 60's and still has that great dirt brown shag carpet. Kauzie can do not harm to this apartment. It's pretty rough. But the price is good for us.
Kauzie is our little therapy. He makes us laugh and gives me something to take care of.
And so today we're apartment shopping. We need that job to come soon! Pray for us would you?